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Kanji Detail for 部 - "section, department, category"

  • Meaning

    部 means "section, department, category."

    1. Group - A collection of people or things that are organized or classified together.

    2. Govern - To exercise authority over, to direct or control.

    3. Office - A place where business or public affairs are conducted.

    4. Divide - To separate into parts or sections.

    5. Village - A small settlement or community, typically one with a church and a few houses.

    6. Counter - A word used to count the number of divided parts or sections.

    7. Hill - A small elevation of land, usually rounded and not very high.

    8. Bureau - A group of people in the imperial court who specialized in a particular task or duty.

    9. Unit - A military formation consisting of a number of troops or personnel.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • He set things in order in his room.

  • It was dark and cold in the room.

  • The curtains make this room beautiful.

  • He walked up and down the room.

  • May i see the room , please?

  • I have a telephone in my room.

  • I use the room in common with my sister.

  • My mother cleans the room.

  • Don't you think the air conditioner is turned up too high in here?

  • I saw him enter the room.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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