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Kanji Detail for 力 - "power, strength, force"

  • Meaning

    力 means "power, strength, force."

    1. Physical strength or power - The ability to exert physical force or power. Examples include strength, power, and force.

    2. Mental or intellectual ability - The ability to use one's mental or intellectual abilities. Examples include skill, talent, and capability.

    3. Momentum or energy - The power or energy to move forward. Examples include power, influence, and authority.

    4. To strive or exert effort - To put forth effort or strive to achieve something. Examples include effort, diligence, and exertion.

    5. To use strength or power - To use strength or power to accomplish something.

    6. Measurement of strength or work - A unit of measurement for strength or work. Examples include manpower and labor.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • The students are making good progress in english.

  • With all his efforts , he couldn't succeed.

  • He is stronger than i am.

  • Your efforts resulted in the success.

  • Our effort ended in failure.

  • Man alone has the ability to reason.

  • I tried my best , only to fail again.

  • He is above all others in originality.

  • Whether you will succeed or not depends on your efforts.

  • I'm glad i could help.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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