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Kanji Detail for 常 - "always, usual, regular"

  • Meaning

    常 means "always, usual, regular."

    1. Always, Forever - This refers to something that will never change.

    2. Usual, Regular - This refers to something that is normal or expected.

    3. Flag - This refers to a flag with the sun, moon, or dragon drawn on it, which was used by the emperor.

    4. Unit of Length - This refers to a unit of length that is twice the length of a jin (eight feet).

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • She walked very carefully.

  • John seems very honest by nature.

  • A man of that cut will always succeed.

  • I was much amused at the idea.

  • We were greatly amused by her story.

  • This is very important.

  • He worked so hard that he succeeded.

  • Your question is very hard to answer.

  • Parts of the book are quite good.

  • Japan is very subject to earthquakes.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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