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Kanji Detail for 座 - "seat, base, stand"

  • Meaning

    座 means "seat, base, stand."

    1. Seat - A place to sit.

    2. Platform - A place to put things.

    3. Rank - A position or status.

    4. Constellation - A gathering of stars, a place where stars rest, or a constellation.

    5. Sitting - To lower one's waist and sit. To take a seat.

    6. Counting words - Used to count statues, buildings, mountains, etc.

    7. Guild - An association of same-trade people in the past.

    8. Name - Used under the name of a theater or theater company.

    9. Institution - A public institution that produced currency in the Edo period.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • We have enough seats for everyone.

  • I opened my account with the bank.

  • I sat between tom and john.

  • Tom was sitting in the front of the bus.

  • I'll drop if i don't sit down.

  • You may sit wherever you like.

  • You may sit down on the chair.

  • He forced her to sit down.

  • You may sit wherever you like.

  • You may sit here.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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