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Kanji Detail for 読 - "read, understand, comprehend"

  • Meaning

    読 means "read, understand, comprehend."

    1. Read - To read characters or interpret meaning.

    2. Speak - To explain or discuss.

    3. Style - One type of writing, usually written after reading to express one's opinion.

    4. Separator - A division within a text.

    5. Count - To count or enumerate.

    6. Discern - To perceive or deduce.

    7. Pronunciation - The way a kanji is read.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • I found the book easy.

  • You should read as many books as you can.

  • You cannot read this novel without crying.

  • My father stopped reading to have lunch.

  • It would be better for you to read more books.

  • Never have i read such a dull book.

  • He stopped reading the newspaper.

  • You ought to have read the book.

  • I read the most interesting book in my library.

  • I read newspapers in order to keep up with the times.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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