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Kanji Detail for 味 - "taste, flavor"

  • Meaning

    味 means "taste, flavor."

    1. Taste - The sensation experienced on the tongue when eating or drinking.

    2. Interest - The enjoyment or amusement derived from something.

    3. Meaning - The significance or importance of something.

    4. To Appreciate - To experience and understand the meaning and depth of something.

    5. Smell - The sensation experienced through the nose, such as a foul or pleasant odor.

    6. Counting Dishes - A term used to count the number of dishes in a meal.

    7. Refinement - A state of being well-mannered and tasteful.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • Her dress is not to my taste.

  • I supported her even against my father.

  • I can't make any sense of this letter.

  • I am interested in japanese history.

  • Everything that has meaning can be called language.

  • What does this word mean?

  • That makes no sense at all.

  • He is a genius in a sense.

  • You have good taste in music.

  • What you say is true in a sense.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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