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Kanji Detail for 蔵 - "warehouse, storehouse"

  • Meaning

    蔵 means "warehouse, storehouse."

    1. Store, Hide, Hide Away, Accumulate, Hide Oneself - To put away or store something, to conceal or keep something secret, to accumulate or save something, to hide oneself or keep oneself out of sight, to hide away or keep oneself hidden.

    2. Warehouse, Storage - A place to store or keep something.

    3. Accumulation, Stored Goods - Something that is stored or kept.

    4. Buddhist, Taoist Scriptures - Scriptures from Buddhism or Taoism.

    5. Tibet - Abbreviation for the country name "Tibet (西蔵)".

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • I read the most interesting book in my library.

  • I read a most interesting book in my library.

  • The library has many books.

  • I have twice as many books as he.

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