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Kanji Detail for 笑 - "laugh, smile"

  • Meaning

    笑 means "laugh, smile."

    1. Laughing - To express joy, amusement, or pleasure through facial expressions and/or sounds.

    2. Smiling - To express pleasure, happiness, or amusement through facial expressions.

    3. Chuckling - To express amusement or pleasure through a low, gentle sound.

    4. Giggling - To express joy, amusement, or pleasure through a series of short, high-pitched sounds.

    5. Grinning - To express pleasure, happiness, or amusement through a wide smile.

    6. Chuckle - To express amusement or pleasure through a low, gentle sound.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • I'm running out of laughter.

  • Don't laugh at my failure.

  • She cannot but laugh.

  • She smiled at the sight of her mother.

  • I want to die laughing.

  • His story made us laugh.

  • They often make fun of the boss.

  • He was laughed at by all the people present.

  • You will be laughed at.

  • I was laughed at by him.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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