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Kanji Detail for 張 - "stretch, extend, expand"

  • Meaning

    張 means "stretch, extend, expand."

    1. Stretch, Pull - To stretch or pull something, such as a bowstring.

    2. Spread, Expand - To spread or expand something, making it larger.

    3. Host - To host or organize an event.

    4. Count - To count the number of strings on a musical instrument, such as a bow or a harp.

    5. Swell - To swell or become bloated.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • He kept an eye on them.

  • Stick to it !

  • They insist that he should go.

  • We're going to pull it.

  • She made a point of my attending the party.

  • They asserted that it was true.

  • You will have your own way.

  • Keep a close eye on him.

  • She has an important air about her.

  • He was tense with his new business.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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