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Kanji Detail for 印 - "mark, seal, stamp"

  • Meaning

    印 means "mark, seal, stamp."

    1. Seal, Stamp - A mark or symbol made to show ownership or authenticity.

    2. Mark - To make a mark or impression on something.

    3. Sign - A mark or symbol used to represent something.

    4. Print - To make a mark or impression on something by carving or engraving.

    5. Emblem - A mark or symbol used to represent a country or organization.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • What does this mark mean?

  • Are there any landmarks?

  • How does america impress you?

  • Mark the right answer.

  • Mark the words that you cannot understand.

  • What an impressive person he is !

  • His speech made a good impression on me.

  • This wind is a sign of a storm.

  • His job has to do with printing.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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