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Kanji Detail for 高 - "high, tall"

  • Meaning

    高 means "high, tall."

    1. High - Used to describe physical height, position, status, or rank.

    2. Excellent - Used to describe a high grade or level.

    3. Famous - Used to describe someone or something that is well-known.

    4. Increase - Used to describe something that is rising or becoming higher.

    5. Respect - Used to show respect for someone's actions or words.

    6. Arrogant - Used to describe someone who is overly proud or haughty.

    7. Amount - Used to describe a quantity or degree.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • He is as tall as any boy in his class.

  • He rescued a cat from a high tree.

  • This is by far the tallest building in this city.

  • This book is too expensive.

  • The price is kind of high for a used car.

  • You've grown so tall.

  • I can't buy a book this expensive.

  • Unlike her mother , she is tall.

  • That is a high building , is it not?

  • I would buy this watch , except it's too expensive.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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