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Kanji Detail for 毛 - "hair, fur, feather"

  • Meaning

    毛 means "hair, fur, feather."

    1. Hair - The fine, short strands that grow on the surface of the skin of humans and animals.

    2. Smallness - A metaphor for something very small or insignificant.

    3. Growth - The sprouting of plants and the ripening of crops.

    4. Unit of Measurement - A unit of measurement for proportions, one tenth of a rin.

    5. Unit of Length, Weight, and Currency - A unit of length, weight, and currency.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • Her hair is long.

  • I'd like one more blanket.

  • May i have a blanket?

  • Can i get a blanket?

  • Her hair is long and beautiful.

  • His hair stood on end.

  • It made my hair stand on end.

  • A lot of my hair has fallen out.

  • His hair stood on end.

  • My mother cut my hair too short.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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