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Kanji Detail for 業 - "business, profession, karma"

  • Meaning

    業 means "business, profession, karma."

    1. Effort - Making an effort to do something.

    2. Work - Doing a job or task.

    3. Action - Doing something or performing an act.

    4. Skill - Having a particular ability or expertise.

    5. Livelihood - Doing work to support one's life.

    6. Already - Already existing or having happened before.

    7. Karma - The consequences of one's actions in a previous life.

    8. Anger - Feeling of rage or indignation.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • What will you do after graduation?

  • He stayed late and worked overtime.

  • What hours is it open?

  • She would often come late for school.

  • He went to a college of agriculture.

  • They are in class.

  • There were quite a few students absent from class today.

  • It being sunday , there was no school.

  • On graduating from college , she got married.

  • After he left school , he went to london.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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