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Kanji Detail for 洗 - "wash, rinse, clean"

  • Meaning

    洗 means "wash, rinse, clean."

    1. Wash - To clean or rinse something with water.

    2. Clean - To make something free from dirt, marks, or unwanted substances.

    3. Purify - To make something pure or free from impurities.

    4. Make Clean - To make something neat and tidy.

    5. Rinse - To wash something with water to remove dirt or impurities.

    6. Completely Disappear - To vanish completely without a trace.

    7. Refreshing - To have a feeling of being refreshed or invigorated.

    8. Respectful - To show respect and humility.

    9. Investigate - To examine something carefully and thoroughly.

    10. Examine Suspicious Things - To investigate and look into suspicious things.

    11. Wash - A dish in which fish fillets are shrunken by immersing them in cold water or ice.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • I've left that line of business.

  • He doesn't have to wash the car.

  • I washed my hands as usual.

  • Wash your hands right now.

  • My car needs washing.

  • His speech is very refined.

  • I'll get my son to wash my car somehow or other.

  • Could you tell me how to use this washing machine?

  • Wash your hands well.

  • Wash your hands before meals.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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