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Kanji Detail for 都 - "city, capital"

  • Meaning

    都 means "city, capital."

    1. Big Town - Refers to a large city, such as Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan.

    2. Emperor's Palace - Refers to the palace of the Emperor of Japan.

    3. To Rule - Refers to the act of governing or ruling over a group of people or a country.

    4. Elegant - Refers to a graceful and refined manner or style.

    5. Graceful and Beautiful - Refers to a graceful and beautiful appearance or manner.

    6. To Gather - Refers to the act of coming together in a group or gathering.

    7. To Collect - Refers to the act of gathering or collecting items.

    8. Everything - Refers to all things or all people.

    9. Everyone - Refers to all people or everyone.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • I have stayed in kyoto for three days.

  • He will reach kyoto the day after tomorrow.

  • I went as far as kyoto by train.

  • Kyoto is visited by many tourists.

  • I was born in kyoto in 1980.

  • So , when is it convenient for you?

  • How do you like kyoto?

  • Kyoto has many places to see.

  • There are many old temples in kyoto.

  • I'll take a trip to kyoto next month.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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