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Kanji Detail for 起 - "to rise, to get up, to stand up"

  • Meaning

    起 means "to rise, to get up, to stand up."

    1. Rise - To get up from a lying or sitting position.

    2. Start - To begin or initiate something.

    3. Depart - To leave a place or situation.

    4. Activate - To cause something to start functioning or to become more active.

    5. Stir Up - To cause something to become more lively or vigorous.

    6. Initiate - To cause something to begin or to set something in motion.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • All of a sudden , a fire broke out in the movie theater.

  • He did not get up early in the morning.

  • Such things can happen from time to time.

  • He's used to getting up early in the morning.

  • I usually get up at eight.

  • How did all this come about?

  • I stayed up much later when i was a student.

  • It's that time again ! wake up.

  • He is an early riser.

  • I'm not accustomed to getting up early.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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