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Kanji Detail for 突 - "strike"

  • Meaning

    突 means "strike."

    1. To thrust - To thrust or push against something.

    2. To collide - To hit or crash into something.

    3. To protrude - To stick out or protrude from something.

    4. Suddenly - To happen suddenly or unexpectedly.

    5. Thrusting - A technique used in sword fighting or sumo wrestling to thrust an opponent.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • All of a sudden , a fire broke out in the movie theater.

  • I had a call from james out of the blue.

  • War suddenly broke out.

  • Suddenly , the captain left the ship.

  • She broke into tears at the news.

  • He died suddenly.

  • He disagreed with his father.

  • He burst into tears.

  • Suddenly , he fell down on his back.

  • Cake? i'm suddenly hungry again.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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