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Kanji Detail for 振 - "shake, wave, swing"

  • Meaning

    振 means "shake, wave, swing."

    1. Shake, Swing - To move or cause to move back and forth or up and down.

    2. Stir Up, Rouse - To arouse or excite someone or something.

    3. Rescue, Help - To provide assistance or aid to someone in need.

    4. Flock - A group of birds or other animals flying or moving together.

    5. Gesture, Action - A movement of the body or limbs to express an idea or feeling.

    6. Counting Swords - A phrase used to count swords.

    7. Allocate, Assign - To distribute or apportion something among a number of recipients.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • He's only shamming.

  • Jane made an angry gesture.

  • He is being kind today.

  • I can't stand his behavior anymore.

  • He told me not to look behind.

  • I often look back at my younger years.

  • I shook my head a few times.

  • The boy turned around then.

  • One of them is gestures.

  • He looked back at the pretty girl.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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