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Kanji Detail for 丁 - "ward, street, counter for houses, shops, etc"

  • Meaning

    丁 means "ward, street, counter for houses, shops, etc."

    1. Address - Used in Japanese address notation to represent a district or ward.

    2. Even Number - Used in gambling to represent an even number.

    3. A unit of Tofu - Used to count tofu.

    4. A unit of Metal Products - Used to count metal products such as guns.

    5. A unit of Page - Used to count the number of pages in Japanese books.

    6. Order - Used to count dishes or drinks ordered at a restaurant.

    7. Adult Male - A man who has reached adulthood. A hardworking man.

    8. Servant - A man who is employed. A man doing odd jobs, menial labor, or servitude.

    9. Hit - To hit, to fit in, to encounter, to meet.

    10. Fourth - Second of the Ten Celestial Stems. Fourth in rank or order.

    11. Fire - Element of Wood in the Five Elements.

    12. South - South in the eight directions.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • It's just what i wanted.

  • I've just been to my uncle's house.

  • The train has just left.

  • I was just going to write a letter.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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