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Kanji Detail for 等 - "equal, etc., and so on"

  • Meaning

    等 means "equal, etc., and so on."

    1. Equal - Having the same value, amount, or degree.

    2. Similar - Having characteristics in common.

    3. Group - A number of people or things that are together or related in some way.

    4. Class - A group of people or things that have similar characteristics or qualities.

    5. Rank - A position in a hierarchy or order.

    6. Measure - To compare or estimate the size, amount, or degree of something.

    7. Wait - To remain in a place or situation until something happens or someone arrives.

    8. Number - To count or enumerate in order.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • They went down to the country.

  • Your pen is better than mine.

  • They are in class.

  • They are pleased with your work.

  • They are at war with the country.

  • They moved to a new house.

  • Their baby is able to walk already.

  • They climbed down the tree.

  • This desk is as good as that one.

  • They have no house to live in.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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