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Kanji Detail for 段 - "level, step"

  • Meaning

    段 means "level, step."

    1. Division - A part of something that is divided into several parts.

    2. Method - A way of doing something.

    3. Fabric - A thick and glossy silk fabric.

    4. Unit of Length - A unit of length for cloth, which is two zhang and eight chi in a whale ruler.

    5. Unit of Area - A unit of area for a field, which is ten mu.

    6. Gradation - Something that is arranged in a gradual or step-like manner.

    7. Grade - A level of skill in Go, Shogi, Judo, Kendo, etc.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • I heard him go down the stairs.

  • What is the price of this watch?

  • The price is kind of high for a used car.

  • They heard him come downstairs.

  • The cost of the painting is very high.

  • The price is reasonable.

  • What is the price for this?

  • They heard him come downstairs.

  • They agreed on a price.

  • Which is the more expensive of the two?

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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