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Kanji Detail for 順 - "order, sequence, turn, obedience"

  • Meaning

    順 means "order, sequence, turn, obedience."

    1. Obey - To follow the rules and regulations.

    2. Obedient - To not go against what is said.

    3. Honest - To be straightforward and honest.

    4. Docile - To be gentle and well-behaved.

    5. Calm - To be peaceful and tranquil.

    6. Sequence - The order of things.

    7. Order - The arrangement of things.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • She asked the same question of everyone in turn.

  • Wait until your turn comes.

  • They each sang in turn.

  • He waited his turn.

  • The students answered in order.

  • So far everything has been going well.

  • As far as i am concerned , everything is all right.

  • How is your work coming along?

  • It's your turn to answer the question.

  • Everything was in order until he came.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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