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Kanji Detail for 従 - "obey, follow, accompany"

  • Meaning

    従 means "obey, follow, accompany."

    1. Follow - To obey or comply with instructions or orders.

    2. Accompany - To go with someone or something.

    3. Do as told - To act in accordance with what has been said.

    4. Listen - To pay attention to what is being said.

    5. Participate in work - To be involved in a job or task.

    6. Do as desired - To act according to one's wishes.

    7. Do as one pleases - To act according to one's own desires or whims.

    8. Direction - Refers to the north and south directions.

    9. Retainer - A person who serves and follows a master.

    10. Therefore - As a result of this.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • You should act on your teacher's advice.

  • You should conform to the rules.

  • Were i you , i would follow his advice.

  • You should obey your parents.

  • All that you have to do is to follow his advice.

  • You should follow your doctor's advice.

  • You will not take bob's advice.

  • They forced him to give in to their opinion.

  • We should obey the traffic rules.

  • You must conform to the rules.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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