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Kanji Detail for 役 - "role, duty, function"

  • Meaning

    役 means "role, duty, function."

    1. Duty, Task - A job or task assigned to someone.

    2. War - A battle or conflict, especially a war.

    3. Use - To make someone do a job or task, or to use someone for one's own benefit.

    4. Obligation - A labor imposed on people as a duty.

    5. Role - An actor's part in a play.

    6. Responsibility - A job or task that someone is responsible for.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • I play an important part.

  • This screwdriver is too small to be any use.

  • This book may well be useful to you.

  • What good will that do?

  • This dictionary is of great use to me.

  • What is the use of worrying?

  • This tool is good for nothing.

  • I am entirely at your service.

  • I'd be happy to help you if you're having trouble.

  • Horses are useful animals.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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