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Kanji Detail for 里 - "village, hometown, birthplace"

  • Meaning

    里 means "village, hometown, birthplace."

    1. Village - A rural area or countryside.

    2. Mansion - A large house or building.

    3. Home - A place of residence.

    4. Family Home - The home of a wife or retainer.

    5. Ancient Japanese Administrative Unit - A unit of administrative division in ancient Japan.

    6. Reside - To live in a particular place.

    7. Foster Home - A home where a child is taken care of.

    8. Unit of Distance - A unit of measurement for distance.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • Does he often call his parents at home?

  • He lived in a house remote from the village.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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