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Kanji Detail for 造 - "make, build, construct"

  • Meaning

    造 means "make, build, construct."

    1. Create, Make - To form or construct something from existing materials.

    2. Construct, Build - To put together the parts of something to form a whole.

    3. Accomplish, Achieve - To bring something to completion or fruition.

    4. Reach, Arrive - To come to a place or destination.

    5. Become, Develop - To come into being or to grow and change.

    6. Begin, Initiate - To start or initiate something.

    7. Hurried, Hasty - Acting or done quickly without proper thought or preparation.

    8. Country Protector - A guardian or protector of a country.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • There are many famous old buildings in kyoto.

  • My house is built of wood.

  • The new bridge is under construction.

  • It will not be long before the bridge is built.

  • The bridge is made of stone.

  • Their house is being remodeled.

  • I don't like artificial flowers.

  • I have already packed my things.

  • They constructed a bridge.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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