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Kanji Detail for 伴 - "companion, accompany, partner"

  • Meaning

    伴 means "companion, accompany, partner."

    1. Accompany - To go with someone or something, usually in a supportive role.

    2. Follow - To go along with someone or something, usually in a subordinate role.

    3. Go Together - To do something together, usually in a cooperative manner.

    4. Companion - A person who accompanies another, usually in a friendly or supportive role.

    5. Friend - A person who is part of a group or community, usually in a supportive role.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • He was accompanied by his wife.

  • Her mother always accompanies her.

  • She accompanied me on the piano.

  • She was accompanied by her mother.

  • I'll accompany you to the airport.

  • Jim accompanied her on the piano.

  • I would like to go with you.

  • She will accompany me on the piano.

  • His wife accompanied him on the piano.

  • I accompanied her on the piano.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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