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Kanji Detail for 台 - "stand, pedestal, platform, counter, table, desk"

  • Meaning

    台 means "stand, pedestal, platform, counter, table, desk."

    1. Platform - A high structure or building.

    2. Court - A government office or authority.

    3. Tool - An object used to carry people or things.

    4. Flat land - A high and flat piece of land.

    5. Foundation - Something that serves as the basis for something else.

    6. Honorific - A word used to show respect to someone else.

    7. Counting word - A word used to count machines or vehicles.

    8. Taiwan - An abbreviation for "Taiwan(台湾)".

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • We had a storm yesterday.

  • Clean up the kitchen.

  • The typhoon made that difficult.

  • He does not live in sendai.

  • Little did i think there would be a typhoon.

  • Mother is in the kitchen.

  • She is going to sendai this spring.

  • The two cars tried to make way for each other.

  • Today's play really moved me.

  • We have breakfast in the kitchen.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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