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Kanji Detail for 可 - "allowable, permissible, acceptable"

  • Meaning

    可 means "allowable, permissible, acceptable."

    1. Good. Suitable. - Used to express approval or agreement.

    2. Listen. Accept. - Used to indicate that one should listen and accept what is being said.

    3. Possible. - Used to express the possibility of something being done.

    4. Allowed. - Used to express that something is allowed or permissible.

    5. Should. - Used to express that something should be done.

    6. Speculation. - Used to express a guess or assumption.

    7. Degree. - Used to express the degree or extent of something.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • It is next to impossible to go to school.

  • I think it impossible for us to beat him.

  • I got leave to go home.

  • To live without air is impossible.

  • It's almost impossible to work out this problem.

  • It is impossible to make her understand the theory.

  • This plan is impossible to accomplish.

  • There is no living on the island.

  • I think it possible for man to live on the moon.

  • He is impossible to beat.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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