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Kanji Detail for 館 - "mansion, hall, building"

  • Meaning

    館 means "mansion, hall, building."

    1. Mansion - A large building where a wealthy person lives.

    2. Inn - A facility that accommodates travelers.

    3. Public Building - A large building such as an office or school.

    4. Respectful Term - A term used to show respect for a wealthy person.

    5. Official Residence - The residence of an official.

    6. Dormitory - A dormitory for officials and the like.

    7. Small Castle - A small castle.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • All of a sudden , a fire broke out in the movie theater.

  • The museum is worth a visit.

  • Are there any movie theaters near here?

  • A short walk brought me to the museum.

  • Students have access to the library.

  • Is there a museum in this town?

  • The cinema was filled with people.

  • I often make use of the library to study.

  • This is the best dictionary there is in the library.

  • The library is on the second floor.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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