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Kanji Detail for 憎 - "hate"

  • Meaning

    憎 means "hate."

    1. Hate - To feel strong dislike or animosity towards someone or something.

    2. Dislike - To have an aversion or antipathy towards someone or something.

    3. Displeasure - To feel displeasure or dissatisfaction with someone or something.

    4. Animosity - A strong feeling of dislike or hostility towards someone or something.

    5. Detestation - To feel intense dislike or hatred towards someone or something.

    6. Abhorrence - To feel intense disgust or revulsion towards someone or something.

    7. Loathing - To feel intense dislike or hatred towards someone or something.

    8. Admiration - To feel admiration or respect for someone or something due to its excellence.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • What a good thing you say !

  • He has a hatred for his father.

  • All three hated one another.

  • Do good to those who hate you.

  • There was hatred between us then.

  • So there's no love lost between them then?

  • What makes him hated?

  • She seems to hate you.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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