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Kanji Detail for 般 - "generally, universally"

  • Meaning

    般 means "generally, universally."

    1. Classification - Refers to the categorization of different types of things.

    2. Circulation - Refers to the process of circulating or moving something.

    3. Transportation - Refers to the process of transporting or transferring something.

    4. Distribution - Refers to the process of distributing something.

    5. Disorder - Refers to the state of being in a state of disarray or confusion.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • I get up early in summer as a rule.

  • They were for the most part young people.

  • The weather this week has been good on the whole.

  • The people at large were against the war.

  • People as a whole don't do things like that.

  • This garden is open to the public.

  • The people at large are against war.

  • He is popular with the people at large.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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