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Kanji Detail for 織 - "weave, fabricate, knit"

  • Meaning

    織 means "weave, fabricate, knit."

    1. Weave - To interlace threads or other strands to form a fabric or material.

    2. Weaving - The process of interlacing threads or other strands to form a fabric or material.

    3. Weave a loom - To use a loom to interlace threads or other strands to form a fabric or material.

    4. Weave cloth - To interlace threads or other strands to form a cloth.

    5. Woven product - A product made by interlacing threads or other strands to form a fabric or material.

    6. Silk fabric - A fabric made from silk threads.

    7. Assemble - To put together parts to form a whole.

    8. Emblem - A symbol or design used to represent a group, organization, or idea.

    9. Flag - A piece of cloth with a design or symbol used as a symbol of a nation, organization, or idea.

    10. Flag emblem - A symbol or design used to represent a nation, organization, or idea.

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