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Kanji Detail for 奮 - "to stir up, to rouse, to excite"

  • Meaning

    奮 means "to stir up, to rouse, to excite."

    1. To be spirited or enthusiastic - This refers to having a strong will and determination to do something.

    2. To take flight - This refers to a bird taking off and flying away.

    3. To flutter - This refers to a bird flapping its wings.

    4. To rise up - This refers to having the courage and strength to stand up and take action.

    5. To tremble - This refers to shaking or quivering.

    6. To move - This refers to being in motion.

    7. To sway - This refers to swaying or rocking back and forth.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • She was very excited.

  • Getting excited is not at all the same as getting angry.

  • They were excited over the news.

  • Don't get so excited !

  • I was excited by the movie.

  • Everybody was excited by the news.

  • Sit down and take it easy for a while.

  • Don't get excited about such a thing.

  • He was very excited.

  • She looked excited.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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