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Kanji Detail for 迫 - "to approach, to press, to urge"

  • Meaning

    迫 means "to approach, to press, to urge."

    1. To press or urge - To press or urge someone to do something, or to be in a situation where one is forced to do something.

    2. To approach - To come close to someone or something.

    3. To narrow - To become narrower or more confined.

    4. To corner - To force someone into a situation where they have no other option.

    5. To compel - To force someone to do something.

    6. Imminent - To be about to happen or arrive.

    7. To reach a dead end - To reach a point where there is no other option or solution.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • The morning is just a few hours away.

  • I can't see you due to the press of business.

  • The walls close in on me.

  • The ship gained on us.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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