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Kanji Detail for 荒 - "rough, wild, violent"

  • Meaning

    荒 means "rough, wild, violent."

    1. To be wild or desolate - This refers to land that is wild or desolate, or to a state of disrepair. It can also refer to a famine or crop failure.

    2. To be chaotic or disordered - This refers to a state of chaos or disorder, or to something that is disorderly or chaotic.

    3. To cover or envelop - This refers to covering or enveloping something, or to something that is covered or enveloped.

    4. To be large or to become larger - This refers to something that is large, or to something that is becoming larger or expanding.

    5. To be distant or remote - This refers to something that is distant or remote, or to a distant or remote place.

    6. To be random or nonsensical - This refers to something that is random or nonsensical, or to a lie or fabrication.

    7. To be rough or coarse - This refers to something that is rough or coarse, or to something that is done in a rough or coarse manner. It can also refer to a storm or strong winds.

    8. To be inflamed or irritated - This refers to skin that is inflamed or irritated, or to a state of inflammation or irritation.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • He is often wild.

  • Who destroyed the garden?

  • The war wasted the country.

  • He is free with his money.

  • The sea was running high.

  • There is no going out on such a stormy day.

  • It's stormy.

  • The country was wasted by war.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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