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Kanji Detail for 如 - "like, as, similar to"

  • Meaning

    如 means "like, as, similar to."

    1. Like, Similar To - This kanji is used to express the idea of something being "like" or "similar to" something else.

    2. Reach - This kanji is used to express the idea of something "reaching" or "attaining" something else.

    3. Inferior - This kanji is used to express the idea of something being "inferior" or "not as good as" something else.

    4. If - This kanji is used to express the idea of a hypothetical condition.

    5. Go, Attend - This kanji is used to express the idea of "going" or "attending" somewhere.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • Life is but an empty dream.

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