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Kanji Detail for 演 - "performance, act, play, show"

  • Meaning

    演 means "performance, act, play, show."

    1. To explain or expound - To explain or expound a concept or idea in detail.

    2. To spread or propagate - To spread or propagate an idea or concept widely.

    3. To flow - To flow or move in a continuous stream, often over a long distance.

    4. To perform - To perform an art or skill in front of an audience.

    5. To practice - To practice a skill or art in a real-world setting.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • I play an important part.

  • What time does the curtain fall?

  • He appeared on television last night.

  • We're going to the theater.

  • He made a speech in connection with world peace.

  • Her speech was excellent.

  • Unfortunately i was not in time for his speech.

  • His speech contained very little matter.

  • He made a speech in english at the meeting.

  • A person giving a speech should stand where everyone can see him.

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