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Kanji Detail for 匹 - "counter for small animals"

  • Meaning

    匹 means "counter for small animals."

    1. Counting animals - This is a word used to count animals.

    2. Companions - This is used to refer to a group of people or things that are similar or related.

    3. Opposite partner - This is used to refer to two people or things that are paired together.

    4. Line up - This is used to refer to the act of lining up or joining together.

    5. Unit of fabric length - This is used as a unit of measurement for fabric length.

    6. Counting fabric - This is a word used to count fabric.

    7. Unit of old money - This is used as a unit of measurement for old money.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • A dog is running in the park.

  • He saw a dog near the door.

  • A cat ran across the street.

  • It has no parallel.

  • I caught five fish yesterday.

  • She is quite equal to the teacher in her ability to speak english.

  • My father caught three fish yesterday.

  • He is without parallel.

  • He caught three fish.

  • My dog is the bigger of the two.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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