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Kanji Detail for 致 - "to cause, to bring about, to lead to"

  • Meaning

    致 means "to cause, to bring about, to lead to."

    1. To Send, Deliver - To bring something to someone.

    2. To Cause, Make Someone Come - To invite or summon someone.

    3. To Fulfill, Satisfy - To do something to the best of one's ability.

    4. Mood, Atmosphere - The feeling or atmosphere of a place or situation.

    5. Taste, Flavor - The quality of something that is experienced through the senses.

    6. Appearance, Manner - The way something looks or appears.

    7. Humble form of ""to do"" - A polite way of saying ""to do"" something.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • We agreed on an early start.

  • Her behavior is consistent with her words.

  • My answer corresponds with yours.

  • His behavior did not correspond with his words.

  • You're welcome.

  • She and i usually agree.

  • I agree with you.

  • We are in agreement on this subject.

  • It sometimes is the case that there is a lot of disagreement.

  • We are all one on that point.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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