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Kanji Detail for 唐 - "tang dynasty, china"

  • Meaning

    唐 means "tang dynasty, china."

    1. Ancient Chinese Dynasty - Refers to an ancient Chinese dynasty.

    2. Wide, Large - Used to describe something that is wide or large.

    3. China - Refers to the country of China.

    4. Foreign - Refers to something from outside of one's own country.

    5. Empty, Void - Used to describe something that is empty or void.

    6. Grandiose, Exaggerated Speech - Used to describe grandiose or exaggerated speech.

    7. Wrapping, Covering - Used to describe something that is wrapped or covered.

    8. Embankment, Mound - Used to describe an embankment or mound.

    9. Suddenly - Used to describe something that happens suddenly.

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