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Kanji Detail for 敢 - "dare, be brave, venture"

  • Meaning

    敢 means "dare, be brave, venture."

    1. To do something boldly or without hesitation - This kanji is used to express the idea of taking action without hesitation or fear.

    2. To not do something deliberately - This kanji is used to express the idea of deliberately not taking action.

    3. To express a rhetorical question - This kanji is used to express a rhetorical question such as "Why wouldn't one do something?" or "How can one not do something?"

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • He was brave.

  • He was brave enough to go there alone.

  • John did a brave thing.

  • He is brave enough to go there by himself.

  • Child as she was , she was brave.

  • Girl as she is , she is brave.

  • He is brave enough to go there by himself.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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