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Kanji Detail for 札 - "tag, label, ticket, card"

  • Meaning

    札 means "tag, label, ticket, card."

    1. Document - A thin wooden board used to write characters. It can also refer to official documents, letters, etc.

    2. Small Plates - Plates made of iron or leather used to make armor.

    3. Young Death - To cause young death.

    4. Currency - Paper money.

    5. Small Pieces - Small pieces of wood, paper, etc. used to display or certify something.

    6. Talisman - A talisman from a shrine or temple.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • I've been to sapporo before.

  • Could you change this bill , please?

  • I have a friend who lives in sapporo.

  • I'd like in it twenties.

  • I've been in sapporo before.

  • I've been in sapporo before.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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