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Kanji Detail for 競 - "competition, contest, race"

  • Meaning

    競 means "competition, contest, race."

    1. Compete - To strive to outdo or outperform another in a competition or contest.

    2. Contest - To engage in a competition or struggle for superiority or victory.

    3. Compete Against - To strive to outdo or outperform another in a competition or contest.

    4. Compare - To examine or consider in order to note similarities and differences.

    5. Struggle - To strive or fight vigorously to achieve or resist something.

    6. Advance - To move forward or onward in position, progress, or time.

    7. Powerful - Possessing or exerting great strength or force.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • I'll never be able to play again.

  • How did you get to the stadium?

  • I ran a race with him.

  • It's fun to watch the race.

  • He took part in the athletic meeting.

  • She ran second.

  • Are you going to take part in the contest?

  • It was now a race against time.

  • I took part in the athletic meeting.

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