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Kanji Detail for 税 - "tax"

  • Meaning

    税 means "tax."

    1. Tax - A payment made to the government or other public authority, based on income or capital value.

    2. Tribute - A payment made to a ruler or other authority in recognition of their power or as an expression of loyalty.

    3. Levy - A tax or other charge imposed by a government or other authority.

    4. Collect - To gather or take in (money or other resources) from a number of people or sources.

    5. Unbind - To remove or undo something that is binding or tying something together.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • This camera is dutiable.

  • The government makes us pay tax.

  • Can i buy things here duty-free?

  • I agree with your opinion about taxes.

  • Where should i pay the tax?

  • I bought a camera free of tax.

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