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Kanji Detail for 鍵 - "key"

  • Meaning

    鍵 means "key."

    1. Key - A device inserted into a lock.

    2. Ring of a kettle - The part that passes through wood when lifting a kettle.

    3. Wedge - A wedge for a wheel to prevent it from slipping.

    4. Key - The part that is pressed by fingers on a piano or organ.

    5. Lock - A tool for opening and closing a lock.

    6. Clue - A clue or hint.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • The lock doesn't catch.

  • Didn't you lock up your car?

  • She is looking for her car keys.

  • Where did you put our key to the house?

  • I'm afraid this key does not fit.

  • Keep the door locked.

  • The boy was searching for the lost key.

  • Please make sure that the door is locked.

  • I found the key for which i had been looking.

  • I've locked myself out of the room.

Sentences from Japanese classical masterpieces

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