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Kanji Detail for 録 - "record, register, list"

  • Meaning

    録 means "record, register, list."

    1. Record - To write down or take a record of something.

    2. Write - To inscribe or record something in writing.

    3. Copy - To make a copy of something.

    4. Govern - To rule or manage something.

    5. Reveal - To make something clear or known.

    6. Appoint - To hire or appoint someone to a position.

    7. Investigate - To examine and record a crime.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • The fire is remembered in history.

  • You must record his speech.

  • She set a new world record.

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