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Kanji Detail for 銃 - "gun, firearm"

  • Meaning

    銃 means "gun, firearm."

    1. Hole for inserting an axe handle - This is a hole in which an axe handle is inserted.

    2. Tube - This is a tube-like object.

    3. Small tube - This is a small tube-like object.

    4. Small weapon that shoots bullets - This is a small weapon that shoots bullets.

    5. Musket - This is a type of gun.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • All at once we heard a shot.

  • He had a gun on his person.

  • Police can't be trigger happy.

  • Put the gun on the table.

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