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Kanji Detail for 享 - "enjoy, receive, be blessed with"

  • Meaning

    享 means "enjoy, receive, be blessed with."

    1. Offer - To present or suggest something for consideration or acceptance.

    2. Accomplish - To successfully bring about or complete a task.

    3. Bestow - To give or confer something, especially as a gift or honor.

    4. Provide - To make something available for use.

    5. Receive - To accept or take something offered.

    6. Accept - To receive or admit something willingly.

    7. Fulfill - To bring to completion or realization, to satisfy.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

Sentences including

  • It should not be possible for us to enjoy them.

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