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Kanji Detail for 裡 - "inside, within, interior"

  • Meaning

    裡 means "inside, within, interior."

    1. Inside - Refers to the interior of something, such as the inside of a room or the inside of a box.

    2. Interior - Refers to the inner part of something, such as the interior of a house or the interior of a car.

    3. Backside - Refers to the back of something, such as the backside of a building or the backside of a mountain.

    4. Rear - Refers to the back of something, such as the rear of a vehicle or the rear of a chair.

    5. Middle - Refers to the center of something, such as the middle of a room or the middle of a lake.

    6. Internal - Refers to the inner part of something, such as the internal workings of a machine or the internal structure of an organization.

    7. Within - Refers to the inner part of something, such as the within of a person's heart or the within of a person's mind.

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